Newspaper production in the time of COVID-19
17. März 2020

Wan-Ifra WEBINAR am 18.03.2020

WAN-IFRA’s World Printers Forum will host a webinar for its members about newspaper production in the time of COVID-19 (the coronavirus). Alice Wong, Chief Production Editor at the South China Morning Post, and Silvio Da Giau, Technical Director at Athesis, a publishing house in Verona, Italy, will discuss the unprecedented events that have been unfolding during the past month. After their presentations the forum will be open for questions from participants.

More about the speakers:

  • Alice Wong is the Chief Production Editor of the print team of the South China Morning Post. Having joined the company as a proofreader in June 1996, she has spent the past two decades as an editor, primarily for the Business section.
  • Silvio Da Giau is the Technical Director at Athesis, a publishing house in Verona, Italy, that publishes three local newspapers and owns two local TV stations, a radio station, and the book publisher Neri Pozza.

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